Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Daddy Home?

The old saying goes, "You never know what you've got until it's gone". This is certainly true with my little Weslee. Just last weekend, we came to get Weslee from our friend's house after a day trip in London alone...and Weslee totally bypassed Kevin to run into my arms. I think in that moment, Kevin thought Weslee would never miss him when he was gone.

But, the last few days have proven otherwise. The day we said goodbye to Kevin, Weslee seemed much the same. He's used to being alone at home with me all day. But, when the sky started getting dark, and especially when I announced that I would make dinner, Weslee began the arduous search for "Daddy". He went upstairs, expecting that perhaps he had snuck through the door when he wasn't looking and was lurking in our room somewhere, or was perhaps on the computer. He went from room to room calling, "Daddy? Daaaaaaaaaddy!" When he finally decided that Kevin was nowhere in the house, he came to me, put his arms around my legs and looked up with a huge question mark in his eyes. "Daddy?" It was up to me to try to explain that Daddy was gone to work for a very long time.

This morning we woke very early (7:30 am is the crack of dawn in this house). Weslee was crying hysterically in bed. I laid him against my chest. When he finally calmed down enough to speak, he looked up at me with huge tears still in his eyes asked "Daddy Home?" I shook my head no, that Daddy wasn't home. I explained again that Daddy was at work for a very long time. He put his head on my chest and wrapped his little arms around my neck as tight as he could get them. For the next few minutes I heard him whisper, "Daddy daddy home", into my shirt.

Oh Kevin, I wish you could see just how much you are loved...just how much you are necessary to both of our lives. It would both swell your heart with joy and break it into tiny pieces.


Nicole said...

What a sad, yet adorable, yet heartbreaking story. Good luck with the separation. I hope he's not gone to long.

You're totally right about the sounds in the night. You're one tough Mama! Ben has night classes here in Mexico that go until 10pm and as soon as the sun falls my senses heighten. The extra adrenaline is a killer!

jswomack said...

Hey Teri!! Oh man...I am sorry, it's so hard trying to explain. I am not even part of the family and it's breaking my heart for Wesless. Good luck with holding down the fort. At least you have Weslee with you for the seperation right?
I think of you all the time. And I certainly miss you and your sweet family.

teri hales said...

Thanks you guys. Kevin will probably be gone about 5 months. It's the longest he's ever been away. Luckily, he's in the states and I can go visit him during part of the time, talk to him every's really not so bad. I am SO GLAD I have Wes to keep me company! We've had alot of fun the last couple of days.

Nicole...I would be way more scared in Mexico at night than I am here. I've been to Mexico several times, and I think you're the tough one. What a cool adventure though.

Sarah...we need to talk more. I miss you guys too. There is a slight possibility that we may move to Utah or Idaho in 4 years. We may not be staying in the Air Force much longer.

Liz King Bradley said...

Okay, that is a WAY too familiar scenario! Our turn is coming and our little boy has a hard enough time letting go when we go on dates! AAAAH! I cried as I read your post. (((HUGS))) to you, there is nothing more heartbreaking than not being able to tell a child that their dad will be home soon! We'll be praying for you guys!

Micaela said...

So sad and cute at the same time! Poor little Weslee... and poor mama... :( I think in some ways it's almost harder to deal with the kids' reactions than with my own. Or maybe it's because it's on top of my own emotions??

Shay Brackney said...

And now I have tears in my eyes. I'm so sorry Teri...I can't imagine how difficult that is to have to answer to...and how difficult for Kevin that he has to be away from his family for so long.... :(

crazy4boys said...

Now I'm crying too. We'll be praying for you all.

Here are some cyber brownies for you and Wes. Not that brownies cure everything, but they help.
