So, these are just a couple from our first attempt at 1 year old "cake eating" pictures. I love that he's covered in blue frosting...but I had a hard time coming up with a good place to take this photo shoot. I DID NOT want all of that blue frosting inside my house where I normally take back-drop photos. I could just imagine me scrubbing well into the night sobbing about how we'd have to pay enormous fees for replacement carpet when we moved out in October. So, we opted for outdoors (in a waterproof diaper so that we could just dump him, diaper and all into the tub afterwards), which I think is smart...except the lighting was not too bueno. We got some harsh shadows...but cute moments nonetheless. So, I'm sharing them, for the grandparents' sake if nothing else. Thanks for putting up with my obsessive cake photos, blog friends! This really is the last of 'em and I promise I'll move on to another topic. I just still can't believe my baby is 1 and turning into a toddler right before my eyes. He's beginning to talk more, meow more (that's right...he knows that's how he gets the adoring looks from the ladies in the supermarket and wherever we are!), walk more and today he folded his arms during the prayer at dinner and said "Ummmemmm" at the end. It's exciting and it makes me want to cry all at the same time! I wish I could bottle these moments...but I guess photographing them, journaling them and blogging them will just have to do.