Weslee is one year old (and has been for a couple of weeks...but we just had the party) and I can't believe how quickly the time has flown. Each day he learns something new. Tonight he learned how to say "blue" well, kind of and he learned how to stick his colored alphabet letters in the tub to the wall. He is SO MUCH FUN to be with every day. I love waking up and wondering what he'll come up with. Anyway, one of the joys of turning one is the cake! We had cupcakes with green frosting (and because it was raining, we brought the party, the 12 kids and the green frosting inside...which wasn't disasterous like I had imagined). It was fun and I'm glad I captured it on film. I was looking at pictures the other day from a year ago and couldn't believe he was ever so tiny (or that my back was ever able to handle carrying him for more than just a few minutes). Here's to another year...and don't worry grandparents, more pictures will be forthcoming. These are just a couple for tonight!
I put the pictures in order from clean to dirty. We still have green frosting and chocolate cake smashed on our porch...just in case you were wondering.
Okay so I just had to comment on how cool the first photo is, how hilarious the next one is, I just want to yell to the beautiful cupcake to hide. And the end is classic!! He is such a cutie, and you can really tell you hate taking photos!!j/k. Have a great day!!
where everyday life occurs...for now. January 2006-October 2008
New York City
first big family trip. July, 2007
A quick look at the Liberty Bell...and then on to the next thing! July, 2007
San Diego
After months of waiting for his adoption to finalize, we were finally able to take him to the temple and have him sealed to us! Yea! December, 2007
Veil, Colorado
Good skiing, good condo...a little family time/ a little time alone together! Our sister came and hung out at the condo for a few days, and then took the baby back to Denver with her while Kev and I enjoyed the slopes alone together. January, 2008
Saint Louis
I had never seen the big arch. Very impressive. This trip took us all the way to Virginia for Kevin's schooling. May, 2008
Los Angeles
Wes's first time getting wet at the ocean...and he took his time "digesting" the whole experience. June, 2008
It's been a year!!!!!! Crazy. Weslee is adorable!
Okay so I just had to comment on how cool the first photo is, how hilarious the next one is, I just want to yell to the beautiful cupcake to hide. And the end is classic!! He is such a cutie, and you can really tell you hate taking photos!!j/k. Have a great day!!
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