OK...these are the final pictures of the wedding that I'm going to post. The reception was beautiful thanks to both the mothers and some really good friends. I find that during wedding receptions you really get to see who your friends are. They calm you when you're stressed out. Tell you that your chocolate covered strawberries look wonderful and actually eat one. They help clean up after the whole ordeal. It was nice to see who Bubba and Tessa's real friends were...and they have several. I still don't know Tessa very well...but I know that ALOT of people love her to pieces...and that makes me happy to have her for a sister-in-law...and happy for Bubba that he has her for a wife. I'm actually kind of sad that I won't get to know her very well for a few years to come. But, hey...we've got a long life ahead of us, and plenty of time to become acquainted. Until then, we'll just have to get to know eachother over our blogs.
where everyday life occurs...for now. January 2006-October 2008
New York City
first big family trip. July, 2007
A quick look at the Liberty Bell...and then on to the next thing! July, 2007
San Diego
After months of waiting for his adoption to finalize, we were finally able to take him to the temple and have him sealed to us! Yea! December, 2007
Veil, Colorado
Good skiing, good condo...a little family time/ a little time alone together! Our sister came and hung out at the condo for a few days, and then took the baby back to Denver with her while Kev and I enjoyed the slopes alone together. January, 2008
Saint Louis
I had never seen the big arch. Very impressive. This trip took us all the way to Virginia for Kevin's schooling. May, 2008
Los Angeles
Wes's first time getting wet at the ocean...and he took his time "digesting" the whole experience. June, 2008
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