Lately Wes has loved being with Kevin. He just can't get enough of him...except for when it's bedtime or he's hurt, then that's all about mom. But, he has starting copying Kevin. Seriously, everything Kevin does, Wes has to try. He makes "nose blowing" sounds when Kevin blows his nose. He pounds on the door when he hears Kevin in the shower. He makes the "ahhhhhh" sound after drinking something good (which Kevin has done for as long as I've known him). He crys hysterically when Kevin has to go to work. All day long he walks around the house saying "Daddy? Daddy?" Most of the time, even I get called Daddy. I'm really working on that one. I'm teaching him that I'm "Mamma". But, most of the time he just points to himself and says "Mamma?" and then points to me and says again, "Daddy!". He is learning that he's a boy and so is Daddy. It is so cute to see him bonding with Kevin and trying to be like him. But, I'll admit, there's that little twinge of sadness telling me that perhaps my "preferred status" as the number one person in his life might be slipping fast. It's been a wierd sensation to be so excited for Kevin as he bonds with our son in some of the most memorable ways while letting go of my monopoly on Weslee's attention.
SO TURE!!!!! I think it just what happens when you have boys, Although Aaron still is a bit if a mommies boy, and Ethan had been done with me way before age 2, but then again his daddy isn't here so... Yes a joy!! and a bit of sadness, I totally know what you mean! The upside!!! is when he gets older and always asked for stuff Kevin gets to do all the junky things too, there are time when your kids say " I need help" and Will and I look at each other and think "who is going to do it?" we will say "who do you want to help" and hold our breath to see who they say since neither of us want to do it. (Don't get me wrong I love my kids and helping them but somethings you just get tired of doing) Those are time times you will be grateful that he prefers Kevin! hahaha
I always thought it was funny when Ashelyn would call Phil "Mommy" or "Ma-Daddy" (She'd start to call him Mommy and then she'd remember who she was talking to). Then I got a little taste of it with Stephen. :) He does the same thing as Wes- when I tell him "I'm Mommy" he just looks at me and says "I Mommy!" Haha! It is kind of sad but happy at the same time when they actually want the other parent to do stuff with them.
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