Saturday, September 20, 2008

Ummm, yeah....

So, in the midst of packing, things are out of place. Wes is taking full advantage of that. He's had alot of fun playing with things that aren't usually my bra!?! I only got one picture of this. It's like he realized when I pulled out the camera that this moment could be used for blackmail later. He hastily removed it, and hasn't donned it since.


that lady said...

haha! i love it!!! what a cheese!

Micaela said...

LOL!! SO funny!

Tera said...

I am sooo going to steal that adorable boy of yours, before you can leave the country. Missing you all already!! I hope things are going well. Keep us posted! Safe Travel...

Jeni said...


jswomack said...

Oh my gosh Teri....that is hilarious!!