As with all European houses, it's tiny...but oh, it's so charming. Even it's quirks (things that would NOT be good in the United States, but are perfectly normal in Europe) enhance the charm of the house. The house has a rock exterior and a timber interior covered in plaster. This means that over the hundred or more years since it's been built (and it's had it's remodellings over time to make it more modern, don't worry), it's settled...which means that the upstairs floors have twisted a bit and have left the floor a little uneven in places. We'll have to build up our bed with cinderblocks and other things to level it out. The entire property is surrounded by a rock wall (which makes it nice for Weslee and the cat...they'll both be safe). It has a wood burning stove that is both functional and decorative. We'll have to get a grate for that to protect Weslee from getting too curious.
The garden is my favorite part. It's surrounded by perennial flowers and herbs. The woman doesn't mind if we plant veggies. It's just beautiful. It's also nice that it's only minutes from base, minutes from the doctor's office, right in the heart of an English village with a beautiful abbey and tons of cute shops and pubs. It's just a short drive to Lakenheath where the commissary and BX are. Probably the farthest we'll have to travel for necessary things is to church in Thetford, 20 minutes away. (Really, the roads are known for being dangerous around here...so you don't want to take public transport...the bus station is within walking distance too...as much as possible.)
It has 3 bedrooms (one of them is little more than a box), plenty of storage, believe it or not (there's an attic, a shed, and all sorts of cubbies throughout the house), and a cute kitchen. Any of you who come to visit will be shocked by how teensy all of the British appliances are. The fridge looks like a dorm fridge. The washer looks like you can only fit one pair of pants in it at a time. So...this should be interesting. Definitely a new way of life, and we're excited to experience it.
We were so happy to get this house. There were alot of other people looking at it...and several seriously considering renting it. Period houses (or remodelled historic homes) generally don't come for rent often. People, once they settle in them, generally stay put. So, we're so happy that we get to live in one for our stay here. We won't get to move in for another 2 weeks as the landlords need to paint, clean up the garden a bit, and move the rest of their stuff out. The pictures above are from the agent's listing online and you can see all of the owner's furnishings. When we went to look at the house, they were all gone, but there were a few odds and ends left in the cubbies and storage areas. The base also has to conduct a safety inspection to make sure it meets certain safety requirements (like smoke detectors, fire alarms, no lead pipes, etc.)
Anyway, we hope to invite many of you into this home and that we'll have many good memories here as a family and with all of you!
Oh my goodness... I linked to your blog a while back from someone else in the ward, can't remember who, and I've been reading about your European adventure. I can't help but comment on your little house... that is SO exciting! I am so jealous, Europe is so fantastic. Thanks for sharing your experiences!
Oh my gosh! It's sooo pretty and quaint and european! I hope we come to visit!
I'm sooooo JEALOUS!!!!
Thanks, everyone! We love it too. Can't wait to actually move there. Tess...I hope you get to come visit too! Luella...welcome to the craziness! Joann...I miss you. Hope you're doing well.
Oh, yay!! I totally meant to come check this out after I was on Facebook last night and then I totally forgot... :) Such a cute house! I'm glad you guys were able to find it so close to base!
Its just darling, Teri...and just what I remember and think of when I think of the English countryside! Can't wait to one day see it in person - I'm bound and determined for D and I to come and visit sometime.
Hi Teri, I finally got to get on the computer and look at your blog. I laughed and laughed so many times as I read about your adventures with Weslee. Charla is here in Maryland right now with us and popped in Bride and Prejudice after handing over the computer to me so I am missing most of it. Anyway, as her and dad are watching the movie, I am reading your blog and looking at all of the lovely pictures and reading about explosives diapers and such and from time to time I chuckle or burst out laughing and dad and Charla will glance over at me like I'm crazy. Then, I got to see pics of your home. It is so stinkin cute and adorable. I am so happy for you guys. It was so good to finally get to talk to you on the phone yesterday and am glad you are in your house and that all is well. We can't wait for our first visit to see you in England. All my love! Mom!
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