Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Goodbye comes to our household more than I would like, and it always takes with it my handsome husband. It takes with it my security at night...strange sounds always sound scarier when you realize that YOU'RE the one who has to protect the family if anyone breaks in. Goodbye takes with it my desire to cook big meals (and Wes and I live for months on tacos, sandwiches, salads, yogurt, cereal and fruit) because Kevin's not there to ooh and aah over my latest culinary experiment, and Wes mostly throws it on the floor. Goodbye steals the warmth from the sheets at night and I always wake up cold. Goodbye brings tears to my eyes when I'm in the privacy of my own home and a "brave" smiling face when I'm not. Goodbye brings a flurry of activity and service projects to keep my mind occupied. It steals away late night conversation and cuddling.

Goodbye does give sometimes too. Goodbye lessens my ice-cream cravings (I only eat the stuff when Kevin is home). It cuts the laundry by a third. Goodbye gives me the car to drive around and see the countryside at will. Goodbye gives me stacks and stacks of wonderful email to read from my beloved (this is the very best part). Goodbye gives me strength (what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger, right?). Goodbye makes me rely on God more than I ever would otherwise. Goodbye makes me patient.

Goodbye. An enemy and a friend. Dreaded, yet necessary. Goodbye, my offering to my country, unwillingly, but resignedly. Goodbye, my husband, my truest friend, I love you and I'll see you again.


Luella said...

Oh, so true, and so poignant. You have a way with words. I needed that on this lonely night (Ben is deployed to Japan... again). I hope the time goes swiftly for you both.

Micaela said...

You've put into words how I've felt many times. It's been a rough day for me with loneliness as well. I hope the computer monitor works well for Kevin. It was a nice surprise to see him tonight. He was introduced to "My Kitchen When Phil's Gone". Haha! There's stuff everywhere!! And my hair was all crazy because the kids had played with it earlier. I'm sure I looked a bit frazzled. Ah, I totally know about the cereal, yogurt and junk... :) Hope you're doing ok. Can't wait to see you in a couple of months!

teri hales said...

I am SO sorry that you guys are both going through this too. It's the part of my husband's job that I absolutely hate. Wishing for a speedy return of both of your husbands.

As for Micaela, thank you so much for lending Kevin your monitor. He was able to email last night...and it was so wonderful. We're hoping to talk on Skype soon. It will be nice to see his face. I'm such a hopeless sap...I miss him the moment he's gone.

I'm sure he thought nothing of your kitchen or your hair. I've sent him pictures of our place when he's gone. It's just part of the game. It's called "I have enough energy to either save my sanity or my kitchen, I choose my sanity".

Can't wait to see the two of you! It will be fun to come to Omaha again. (I'm still secretly hoping they don't keep him there that long, though).

joann said...

PERFECTLY SAID - amen to that! you will be in our prayers