Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Attack of the Arandas...

Wes has learned to do the motions to three of the verses of "The Wheels on the Bus". Here he demonstrates how the babies on the bus go "Wah Wah Wah". Strangely, though, Weslee's babies cry from their chins or ears instead of from their eyes. And lately, sometimes his babies cry from their chest. It's quite disturbing!

So, two weeks ago, my mother and my sister, Charla were in town. We had SO MUCH FUN! We were all crazy and stayed up until all hours of the night playing board games. Kevin and I got to try out all of our new games and play some old favorites too! Mom bought Wes a red wagon for his birthday and toted him all around the neighborhood in it (which he loved). My sister was deemed "Aunt Psycho" because she made all sorts of crazy faces and was good at making Wes laugh. It was fun to see her interact with Wes as an aunt. This was her first time to really get to interact with him since his birth. (She was on a mission when we brought him home). I captured some pics of them with Wes for his memories (and also to remember them by when we're in England). It's wierd how I'm beginning to look at things as "lasts". This was my last opportunity to just "hang" with my sister for a while (unless she seriously scrapes some money together and comes to England). So, I found myself being sentimental and wanting to milk the week for all it was worth. I sure love my sis...even if she is psycho!

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