Sunday, December 21, 2008

Sick of Being Sick

We are now well into our third week of being sick in this household. Personally, I'm sick of it! (Play on words intended!) Weslee started us off with a cold on the first of December. Kevin and Teri quickly followed with sore throats of their own. Teri burst out into a full blown flu on December 6th, right after her annual Visiting Teaching Brunch. After a few hours of taking pictures in the freezing cold for the Primary, Teri was shivering not just from the wind, but from the fever that had taken hold of her. She drove the hour home and went to bed. After a few days, both Teri and Weslee seemed to be doing better.

But, then Weslee began cutting teeth and Teri had a few restless nights caring for him. Teri got sick again, this time with a chest cold that kept her sniffling and coughing well into the night. Weslee got his first ear infection and we took him to the doctor for antibiotics. After a few days with the antibiotics, he seemed to be doing better, and his tooth broke the surface which relieved some of his pain. Teri, with increased sleep, seemed to be on the mend.

However, this week has brought a fresh bought of fun. Teri's cold developed into bronchitis. She coughs incessantly and has a hard time sleeping at night...and NOTHING seems to help...not cough drops, vapor rub, or cough syrup. Today at church, she had to leave sacrament because she was interrupting the Christmas program...and had to leave the classroom during the 3rd hour for the same reason. (It's REALLY REALLY annoying!) Kevin has taken to sleeping on the couch so that he can get some rest and also so that his sore throat doesn't turn into something more serious.

The latest gift in the sickness merry-go-round happened at church today. Weslee broke out in an awful rash, little red welts all over his body during Sacrament meeting. Luckily, we have about 20 doctors in our ward. One of the pediatricians took a look at him and told us it was just a reaction from his antibiotic and whatever virus he's had. He told us it was nothing to worry about and would go away in a few days. He's not itching or red or puffy. So, it's not an allergic reaction. But, either way, we still have a polka-dotted kid for a little while.

It's frustrating. Seriously. Of all the times of year! We had wanted to travel to some of the Christmas markets in the area...but all we've wanted to do is sleep with all of this illness floating around. We've missed most of them. We're heading to Dover tomorrow, regardless of how we feel and we're going to make use of this Christmas vacation to travel and see the sights. We feel better, but the sickness is clinging to us and won't let go. Part of me worries that something else is going to hit us. But, frankly, at this point...I DON'T CARE. I'm ready to get out and see the country that we're living in. And, no amount of coughing my lungs out is going to stop me.


Shay Brackney said...

I so hear you girlie...we've had our share too, and the bronchitis...and the cough that can't be relieved...the one that brings my grandfather back to life through me! Enjoy the day in Dover or where ever...I hope Wesley is less polka-dotty soon...


Micaela said...

Oh, man. I know exactly how you feel- we're on a continuous loop of pink eye and strep throat here... And we all had the 24 hour flu either just before, during, or just after we got to NC for Christmas. Yeah... Ashleyn threw up the whole day we were flying (and getting delayed...) I'm glad that your Christmas went well enough and I hope you guys are all feeling better. I LOVE all of the pictures of the castles. SO awesome!! I'm totally living vicariously through you, especially since you're such a good story teller! :)