So, I just turned 28. Some of you might say, "Whoa, that's old", but most of my friends know that I'm still young. I still feel like I'm 18 most of the time. Crazy how you get older, but you don't really feel like it...except that now I can't ride roller coasters without getting a little dizzy, my knees hurt after skiing or hiking too long, and I can't drink a Slurpy without getting a headache. Those are the only little things that whisper to me that time is slowly ticking on and that my body is getting older with each passing year. If it were left only up to my mind, I'd remain 18 forever. Anyway...February 3rd is my birthday. February 2nd brought these flowers to my doorstep. A beautiful vase of spring time in the middle of winter. A reminder that my mother and father love me and that they remembered me on my birthday. (February 1st brought my husband taking me to see Phantom of the Opera...the broadway musical). So...Happy Birthday to me!
Teri! So we really MUST be kindred spirits! Did you know that my birthday is Feb 4? CRAZY! So I just had my birthday yesterday. Sounds like you had a great one. Phantom! Flowers! Nice. I was pretty spoiled too. I got a kids free shopping spree with my Mom. A bath tub full of 30 gold fish (Yes I'm the big 3-0!)Dinner at a Japanese Steakhouse, and then a fun filled night of Disco Skating with friends and family. It was a blast. It's all on my blog if you want to check it out. Did you ever get my invitation? I don't see you on my accepted invitation list, so let me know if you didn't get it. Love you so much. And a great big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you! :0)
Don't worry, I won't be one calling you old - pshaw, I have 10-years on your youthful self! :) Love the flowers - and isn't Phantom just the best! So glad you got to go with your sweetie!
Happy Belated Birthday!!! I am glad that inadvertantly (however selfish it may have been because we LOVE Weslee) I was able to help you celebrate parts of your birthday. You deserve all the good that comes your way, you are amazing! I am so glad that you are getting old too. Time flies when you are having fun.
Hapy Birthday!!!! I have to say 28 is old!!!! Sean just turned 28! I always forget that I'm younger than all my old roommates (26). You still look just as cute as you did when you were a freshman!
where everyday life occurs...for now. January 2006-October 2008
New York City
first big family trip. July, 2007
A quick look at the Liberty Bell...and then on to the next thing! July, 2007
San Diego
After months of waiting for his adoption to finalize, we were finally able to take him to the temple and have him sealed to us! Yea! December, 2007
Veil, Colorado
Good skiing, good condo...a little family time/ a little time alone together! Our sister came and hung out at the condo for a few days, and then took the baby back to Denver with her while Kev and I enjoyed the slopes alone together. January, 2008
Saint Louis
I had never seen the big arch. Very impressive. This trip took us all the way to Virginia for Kevin's schooling. May, 2008
Los Angeles
Wes's first time getting wet at the ocean...and he took his time "digesting" the whole experience. June, 2008
Teri! So we really MUST be kindred spirits! Did you know that my birthday is Feb 4? CRAZY! So I just had my birthday yesterday. Sounds like you had a great one. Phantom! Flowers! Nice. I was pretty spoiled too. I got a kids free shopping spree with my Mom. A bath tub full of 30 gold fish (Yes I'm the big 3-0!)Dinner at a Japanese Steakhouse, and then a fun filled night of Disco Skating with friends and family. It was a blast. It's all on my blog if you want to check it out. Did you ever get my invitation? I don't see you on my accepted invitation list, so let me know if you didn't get it. Love you so much. And a great big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you! :0)
Don't worry, I won't be one calling you old - pshaw, I have 10-years on your youthful self! :) Love the flowers - and isn't Phantom just the best! So glad you got to go with your sweetie!
~ Shay
Happy Belated Birthday!!! I am glad that inadvertantly (however selfish it may have been because we LOVE Weslee) I was able to help you celebrate parts of your birthday. You deserve all the good that comes your way, you are amazing! I am so glad that you are getting old too. Time flies when you are having fun.
I hope you had a great birthday and that your doing well. I miss you a million!!! Love you
Hapy Birthday!!!! I have to say 28 is old!!!! Sean just turned 28! I always forget that I'm younger than all my old roommates (26). You still look just as cute as you did when you were a freshman!
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