So, these are all just random pictures of my cutie this past month. I can't believe how quickly he's growing up and how active he's become. He turns 10 months in just a matter of days, and then I'll be taking 10 month pictures. Some are from the bath (one of his favorite passtimes) and he's discovered the wonder of bubbles. Loves 'em. Some are his excitement at daddy coming home from work. They have a ritual where Kevin greets Weslee at the window singing his "Little Man" song. Weslee just lights up and claps and smiles for daddy's return. When Kevin comes in the door, we sing, "I'm so glad when Daddy comes home". (After posting those pictures, I realized just how much I need to clean those windows. Wow!) And, some are my attempt at 9 month pictures...but he is seriously hard to get a good photo shoot from anymore. He wiggles too much! By the way, the second picture is his classic "Zoolander" look. It's the "Blue Steel" look at it's finest. In the last month, I've taken dozens of pictures with this look on his face. He still hasn't really learned to smile for the camera, but at least he's graduated from the "mouth breather pose" sort of. Enjoy!
Great pictures! You're such a great photographer! What kind of camera do you have?
Holy COW your kid is adorable. And I love the Zoolander look, you know you watch too many movies!! That is just one of the many reasons we love you guys, so many similarities. Hope you are having a good day. We're thinking of you. Love Tera
hey - he is just so cute, I love the eyes, I will say that over and over again! there is a small window in a child's life where they will actually smile for the camera (at least with my kids) 12 months- 2 is it, once they get older then that they refuse or do a fake "cheese" smile that just does not do a real one justice. I use to think that if I always took pictures of my kids they would get use to it and it would be fine, but so far that is not working for me. Oh-well. keep up the beautiful work- JoAnn
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