Nasty first pic...I was worried when I pulled this pic up! Seriously...ugly! But, after a little "Black and Color" action, erasing the flower back into color, upping the contrast and saturation and burning the edges, I LIKE it...alot (if I do say so myself).

Next is my favorite pic. I may hang this on a wall somewhere. I really want to go contemporary in one of my rooms. Lots of Black and White with bright pictures on the wall. If I ever get to do it (because we're too poor to do it right now), this pic will go on the wall. Unless I've taken a better pic by then, which I guess is possible.

Here's what I started with...not bad, but not something I'd frame either! Kinda dull!

Then, I oversaturated everything to make it look like a painting, sort of...

Then I went to equalize, to give the picture some "edge"...

And then I fused the oversaturated and equalized pictures together and erased the equalized layer until I was pleased with the finished product...Wah-lah! (If that made no sense to you...I usually make no sense, so don't be worried).

Here are some photos of the only 2 flowers I could find in my whole stinking neighborhood. I think it's completely wrong that Easter has come and gone...it's legal to wear white shoes and spring dresses and everything...and there are NO FLOWERS! What the heck? I wish someone would tell Mother Nature to get her act together. She's running way late this year and my pasty white legs would really like some sun! But, who wants to go out in shorts when it's cold and windy?
Anyway, I had tons of fun playing with these photos and giving them my own special touch in Photoshop. I will say that if Photoshop were a drug...I'd be in trouble. Serious trouble. Lately, since I have nothing new to play with, I've been going back over old pictures. Yep...spring, you'd better come quickly!
P.S. I posted the process along with the end product...just so you can see the madness.
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