Ok...I'm almost peeing my pants I'm so excited. I finally got my new lense. It was more expensive than I would really like to think about right now, but after this photoshoot, I'm thinking it was worth every penny! So, it came in the mail yesterday and I couldn't take pictures because I was preparing for a Young Women's activity. I awoke bright eyed and bushy tailed today hoping for a photo op...and guess what? It was POURING rain...all day. Weslee and I looked out the window sadly. But, providence smiled upon us around 5pm! It quit raining for about 30 minutes and I toted Weslee outside just to practice. I didn't really think I'd get anything great. We were in our driveway after all, not really looking very good (if you look closely, there is some crusty snot around Wes's nose and yogurt in his hair..we won't even discuss what I looked like), but I wanted to get a feel for my new machinery! I was literally singing while taking these pictures (Bubbly was the song, in case you were wondering). Weslee got excited right along with me. He has started mirroring my emotions lately. When I'm super excited, he flaps his arms and gets excited with me. When I'm sad or crying, he does it too. Anyway, the practice session turned into one of my favorite photo shoots ever. I still am stunned that this came from my camera. I'm quite pleased with myself, in case you couldn't tell...and quite pleased with my purchase (A Canon EF 24-70mm, f/2.8L lense). Yea!!!
AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME!! Teri you got mad skill, mad skills. And your little man is adorable and growing way too fast. Thank you for letting us be a part of your world!! Have a great day.
Okay so I am still amazed and I love looking at these photos. I am even more excited to help you practice!! Great job, great purchase, and great kid. I love you guys!
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