Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Weslee's teething...again! This time he's cutting his two front teeth...and possibly a few more. It just looks painful, and by his face, you can tell that he's not very happy about it. All he wants is mom. He wants to be held and snuggled all day long. He's been cranky, and snotty, and drooling. But, I will say that cranky for Weslee is hardly anything compared to some babies. Even in the midst of teething, he mostly whimpers and hardly ever screams. (How did we ever get so lucky?) I feel bad for the guy! I remember how much it hurt to cut my wisdom teeth. I think we're all three excited about those little babies finally coming in.


Sarah said...

Poor guy. I heard that if we as adults were to teeth, that even a full dose of morphine wouldn't take away the pain. My heart goes out to him. Harrison hasn't gotten any teeth yet, but sure has some nights where we think they are coming. Its so hard to see your little ones in so much pain. Hope it goes quickly for you both!

Tera said...

Okay it may be painful, but being that cute should be illegal. We sure love you guys. We are so glad that we can share in your lives. And I am still laughing at your little man's excited voice, he really is too cute. Come visit us again soon, or we may just come harrass you!

Anonymous said...

pooor baby. i miss my weslee. i hope you had a great time at phantom of the opera :)

I miss wes... hope he feels better. give him a kiss for me.

carlee ♥

Jeni said...

Sara didn't cut her first tooth until after her 1st birthday! Her first 4 came in slowly...1 at a time and then she got 5 all at once!